Thursday, May 16, 2013

Abbath's backstory pt 2: Grinding them rocks

At last it was done, the final log entry of today's extracted ore had been filled in. Abbath let out a deep satisfied yawn while he leaned back in his chair.
Mining wasn't a particular hard job, but it consisted of many man hours a day and he was feeling it. Glancing out of his little office window he could see his hoarder being loaded for the transport trip tomorrow. The station workers just started their shift, but for Abbath, the working day was over. Heaving himself out of his chair he checked the time and cursed silently. "Damn, late again. Hope Raek is still hanging out in the bar"! He quickly put on his jacket and started to stroll towards the exit of the office.
"Man, 30 million isk profit divided by two, in just over a week, that's quite the sum!".
Just thinking about so much isk made Abbath feel like he was walking on air. Still he had to keep his feet firmly on the gound, after all the cargo had not been delivered yet. He almost forgot about his first hauling run and it made him feel anxious. 4 jumps in total from Reset to Hek wasn't something to be taken lightly and he had to do that route three times to complete the contract.
There haven't been any incidents yet, but Hek housed people of all sorts and like all the main trading hubs also many scammers and gankers. The fact that Hek is located in  0.5 sec. made his anxciety even worse. Not to mention he had to explain himself to his partner and friend Raek if anything happened.
Buried in thought he entered the station's bar. The place was buzzing, conversations, arguments, shady deals and laughs in all kinds of different dialects and languages pulled Abbath out of his bubble. "Finally! There you are! Out of nowhere came Raek, already with two drinks in hand. "I was just thinking about leaving if you didn't show up soon"! "Many numbers to fill in, ey"? He smiled and poked Abbath in his side. “Come, I've kept a free seat for ya!” When no reply came he laughed even louder. “Haha come on my friend, I can't believe you're so wound up about this hauling trip. Thing's will end up fine, I'm confident that I'll have my share of the profits by tomorrow evening.”

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